
Showing posts from December, 2022

Entry 15

 I would like to develop more of a purpose. I sometimes feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off. Not in a stressful way, but in a no direction, sporadically moving kind of way. I think I have characteristics of a successful person, I just need a why in my life. It seems like I'm just going through the motions. A why in my life would allow me to feel like I have something to fall back on, especially during tougher times.

Entry 14

 Something I love about Colorado, more specifically Denver, is the dynamic between city and mountains. I love looking out my window and seeing the terrain. I also love that I can go downstairs, walk 2 blocks, and I am in between corporate buildings. This inspires my creativity by allowing both my logical and creative mind to work. The mountain view allows my mind to flow freely, and the downtown area makes me think critically about things.

Entry 13

 I challenged myself to problem solve more often than I used to. When I don't know something, I seek help, and often I feel like I can do things by myself, so when I don't ask for help, I come up with new ideas on how to help myself. My creativity has changed because I now know that I am capable of so much more, and by allowing myself to connect more dots together, I allow myself to become more creative.

Entry 12

 I am majoring in Financial Management. I picked this because I plan on taking care of generations of my family. My first thought was simple, "I am going to learn how to manage money." I figured if I can manage money at a high level, I will be successful in any industry I chose to be a part of.

Entry 11

 My thoughts on creativity have shifty dramatically this semester. I never knew about the potential everyone has to be creative, I didn't know that there are so many different ways creativity blossoms in your mind too. For me, just knowing that I have full control over an aspect of my life gives me so much freedom.

Entry 10

 I studied Kanye West for my creative individual paper. I find it interesting how in his music, he often predicts his own behavior. It is crazy to see how self aware Kanye is, and how open he is about his experiences. I think through his authenticity is where he gains his following.

Entry 9

I went to Yellowstone once with a few classmates in 8th grade once. I remember landing, and smelling a new kind of hair. There was also a freeness I felt as soon as I got off the plane because this was the first time I had traveled without the presence of my parents. I was mostly drawn to the animals there. I loved being in a minivan, traveling through a little town seeing buffalos on the side of the road, or huge bucks while traveling from one location to the next. I have always been drawn to the presence in animals. I felt uncertain at night time. Especially because I had next had a sleepover before, and I didn't know how to act when time to go to bed, I thought something fun had to happen every night. (which it did.) If I could visit again I would go hiking more often, and make a campfire in a safe place with my homies.