Entry 15

 I would like to develop more of a purpose. I sometimes feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off. Not in a stressful way, but in a no direction, sporadically moving kind of way. I think I have characteristics of a successful person, I just need a why in my life. It seems like I'm just going through the motions. A why in my life would allow me to feel like I have something to fall back on, especially during tougher times.


  1. That’s totally fair. It can be frustrating to go through the motions. My suggestion is to find something your passionate about and enjoy it. There’s no real reason why we’re here, so we might as well find what we like to do and enjoy and thrive on your passions.

  2. Nando, I feel the same way sometimes. It's reassuring to know that someone else feels similar.


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