
Showing posts from October, 2022

Entry 5

 The ability to see through multiple perspectives at one time is a skill that can be fostered if you put  conscious time into it. I naturally think through different perspectives because of the way I grew up. I was constantly asked why I am doing things, or why I think a certain way. This created a part of my psyche that didn't take one answer as the answer, meaning I think that there are deeper meanings to everything, when a lot of the time there is not. Questioning yourself with a bunch of whys can be detrimental to your mental health too. I also remember a time where I was (and I catch myself in this mindset sometimes too) overanalyzing everything to a point where the answer was always that nothing mattered. But having multiple perspectives allows you to come up with different answers than you would've came up with before due to an expansion of ideas that bounce off each other. And the more perspectives you have, the more ideas that are made.

Entry 4

 I enjoyed learning more about the benefits of meditation on creativity last week. It reinforced a lot of what I already believed to be true. I meditate, and the more I do it, the more I see myself becoming more aware of creative ideas, and the more I become susceptible to seeing things I didn't see before due to my increase of focus. This increase of focus allows my perspective to slow down, and when it feels like time is passing slower, it feels like you can process way more information than before.