
Showing posts from November, 2022

Entry 8

 Empathy is huge when it comes to developing and bouncing off other peoples ideas/creations/. I think having a lot of empathy expands your mind in ways that are only beneficial. To understand someone else's experience means that you have the ability to experience the same thing. And connecting your own experiences with someone else's can lead to huge advancements in perspective.

Entry 7

 Meditation is continuing  to allow me to be more aware of my thoughts. This to me is a superpower. This means I can get to the core of the belief systems that run my mind, and substitute them with thoughts and beliefs that will push me in the right direction. This also allows me to articulate my words better.

Entry 6

 I am starting to feel myself become more perspicacious of my surroundings. I think this is a good thing because it makes me feel like I am intaking more information. And by me taking in more information, it means my subconscious mind will be more intact putting thoughts and ideas together.